What List Of Vitamins And Minerals Should Take Daily

What List Of Vitamins And Minerals Should Take Daily

We'll be talking about vitamins classification and deficient sinem onyx and shortcuts we know that many of you have trouble remembering all the vitamins and also their classification especially vitamin B all their names and their respective deficiencies this just for you so stay tuned and watch the complete video like every single What List Of Vitamins And Minerals Should Take Daily.

We are going to tell you some weird stuff that will definitely help you tor remember so first of all we'll be talking about the classifications and you need to remember renaldo playing football for a particular club that's.

How easy it is and you also need tore member one thing that's kodak spelled wrong that is codec and we'll be talking gab out that in a moment and a cracked floor although very weird to connect.

All these three things but yes you can remember if you connect these three things together so let's look at the first part there is vitamin B classification but.

Before we come in with classification let me tell you the general classification of the vitamin  sand that gives you fat soluble vitamin that is becoming a d E and K and then what a soluble that is vitamin B and C.

What List Of Vitamins And Minerals Should Take Daily

What List Of Vitamins And Minerals Should Take Daily
What List Of Vitamins And Minerals Should Take Daily

We are not not not much bothered about becoming a D E and K because they are not they don't have sub classes where vitamin B has so vitamin B classification goes something like.

This the ronaldo and paolo played for by Chester football club although by is a fictional club that I've created but although it's really important to help you remember so the renaldo and paolo played for manchester.

Football Club and you can see the red highlighted regions are those exact name of the sub classes of the vitamin B so let's look at here vitamin b1.

Is mean and that is what given with the so his is the first one then R stands for riboflavin vitamin b2 then n stands for gnaeus in vitamin b3 then PA stands for pantothenic acid vitamin b5 then another P stands for pyridoxine vitamin b6 then another bi o by o stands for vitamins b7 or biotin then if all stands  folic acid vitamin b9 and last vitamin b12 stands for C that is cobalamin so you go with.

Thiamine riboflavin niacin pantothenic acid pyridoxine biotin folic acid cobalamin so remember by O stands for biotin vitamin b7 and afterwards we only have two vitamin b9 and 12 before that we have six five then three two and one this is how easy it is to remember all the name of the vitamin beep with the respective chemical names okay so now let's.

Look at the vitamin deficiencies so there are different diseases associated with vitamin deficiencies deficiency for vitamin ad  as well as BC so let's first look at deficiency of other vitamins except for vitamin B so to remember that.
We need to know K remember I said we need to alter this Kodak a little bit k DAC but that will work because I first remember this K DA Cand ii remember one sentence that is his seats he steals the rickshaw at night dark sky okay  he steals the rickshaw at night dark sky so in this case what we should do is first of all this kaede Act.

I hope you know that vitamin K e da and C we are talking about except for B and now we'll connect everything together so first of all with K is with hema rage and human race stands with this H he he more age then E is becoming East with.

The st or sterility that is linked with steel steadily t not it ste the first three alphabets there then we'll be using vitamin D vitamin D with a rickshaw on our I this is for Rickett okay then we have vitamin A and vitamin.

What does a multivitamin do for you

A with night blindness so that's why we have the term night sky so night blindness and last but not the least vitamin C with sky and scurvy is the deficiency disease although homophobic sky scurvy that's.
Why I put it here so he steals the rickshaw at night dark sky I hemorrhage sterility Rickett night blindness and scurvy are the respective deficiencies now let's look at the deficiencies linked with b-vitamin so this will be little difficult because there are a lot of names so let's look at the.
The this this term first berry cracks the floor playing with popp in that will be the sentence berry and pop are playing together cracking the floor that's why I said you need to remember some cracked floor and as you say that you can see here the underlined regions are the actual deficiency diseases that are associated with vitamin B so.

What does a multivitamin do for you

What does a multivitamin do for you
What does a multivitamin do for you

The first one beat I mean b1 deficiency caused berry-berry vitamin b12 cause cracks in the lips and you know mouths and tongues which I mean b3 play pellagra play and pellagra vitamin d3 then vitamin b5 with PA starts with PA so past this yeah.

Acne is also part of it then vitamin b6 causes a in starts with arian so anemia which I mean b9 also causes anemia butte difference between b6 and benign anemia is that b6 enemy is microcytic that's how easy it is to remember vitamin B deficiency remember we starts with 1 2 3 then 5 6 and 9 because you don't write all the vitamins from 1 to 9.

We have 1 2 3 in sequence then 5 6 in sequence and then ultimately a 9 at thee  so if you remember all these sentences and these pictures and if you pro bably read this video couple of times this will be printed in your brain you.

Can modify if you want some part of the mnemonics you can modify on your own to suit your understanding better but always look at this channel to get more and more such kind of mnemonics that will definitely help you so stay tuned