what causes bloating in the stomach

The Gastrointestinal (GI) tract is filled with bloating occurs when air or gas
The What Causes  Bloating  in the Stomach as feeling full tight or swollen most people describe.

In the  abdomen. You abdomen may also be swollen (distended), hard and painful.

What Causes Bloating In The Stomach

what causes bloating in the stomach
What Causes Bloating In The Stomach
Your ability to work and participate bloating can interfere with in social or recreational activities.


      Excessive gas (flatulence)
      Frequent burping or belching
   Abdominal rumbling or gurgles

Gas and air

The most common cause of What Causes  Bloating In The Stomach gas is especially after eating.

The digestive tract when undigested food gets gas builds up. In, broken down or when you swallow air.

Everyone swallows air when they eat or drinks.

 But more than other especially if they some people can swallow
·       Eating or drinking too fast
·       Chewing gum
·       Smoking
·       Wearing loose dentures

Medical cause

Others cause of What Causes Bloating In The Stomach may be due to medical conditions. These include:
·       Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

·       Inflammatory such as lucrative colitis or croon's bowel disease
·       Other functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs)
·       Heartburn
·       Food intolerance
·       Weight gain
·       Hormonal flux(especially for women)
·       Guardians (intestinal parasite infection)
·       Eating as anorexia nervous or bulimia nervous disorders such
·       Anxiety depression and mental health factors such as stress more
·       Some medications

Treatment to prevent or relieve bloating

The symptoms of abdominal What Causes Bloating In The Stomach can be diminished in many cases or even prevented by adopting overweight.

 Chewing gum can cause you avoid chewing gum. 
 Limit your intake of carbonated drinks. Such vegetables in  The cabbages family dried beans and lentils avoid food that  Cause gas. A straw and eat slowly avoid drinking  Though  Use lactose-free dairy products  In turn can lead to bloating extra air which.

You may get an endoscopy, For instance if your upper digestive tract is bleeding you doctor may be able to control.

By injection a medication directly into the problem area, using an endoscope to guide the needle.

A doctor can also use heat to treat an area that’s bleeding and surrounding tissue through the endoscope, or place a clip on a bleeding blood vessel.

Those techniques aren’t always enough. Something you need surgery, You may need to take to medicine once the bleeding is under control. to keep it from coming back

Most cases can be treated.On what’s causing the bleeding your plan will depend.
AS losing if weight a few simple lifestyle changes you’re.

You may get an endoscopy, For instance if your upper digestive tract is bleeding you doctor may be able to control.

By injection a medication directly into the problem area, using an endoscope to guide the needle.

A doctor can also use heat to treat an area that’s bleeding and surrounding tissue through the endoscope, or place a clip on a bleeding blood vessel.

Those techniques aren’t always enough. Something you need surgery, You may need to take to medicine once the bleeding is under control. to keep it from coming back.

You can see also only  Cyclic vomiting syndrome