Drink Water Importan Human Body
The human body is 80% made up on Drink Water Important Human Body which is present in
blood and other cells.
Since we lose a lot of fluid through sweat urine and breath,
we need to replenish it constantly.
Drinking less water can cause immediate problem, the body
cells becomes dry, and the sky wrinkles Blood becomes thicker,and the
responsible fro transporting oxygen around the body oxygen is not supplied
adequately to the organs.
Drink Water Important Human Body
Drink Water Important Human Body
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Drink Water Important Hummann Bodyption |
The heart and the brain react immediately to a lock of oxygen they get damaged in just a few minutes.
Why do we need blood.
Our body consists of millions of cells which must be
supplied with water properly.
This supply is the responsibility of the blood the red blood
cells transport vital oxygen( O2) around the body also absorbs nutrients from
the digestive tract, distributed then to the organs, and in return takes away
the waste products from the organs .
Blood contains platelets that seal the wounds and white
blood cells that help us fight disease causing germs.
How does the heart work.
The heart a hollow organ with four chambers can be imagined
as an unbelievably strong pump.
It is about the same size as a fist electrical signals
coming from the brain cause the heart muscle to contract about 70 times in a
minute in an adult the contractions are more frequent in children and while we
are playing sport .
poor in oxygen while
the arterial blood supplies oxygen to every
cell in the body supplies oxygen to every cell in the body the venous blood is
sent to.
The lungs where the
it is purified by removing the waster products carbon dioxide and absorbing new
oxygen .
Where does the oxygen in the blood
come form
When we breather the oxygen reaches our lungs via the mouth,
nose, and trachea.
The lungs have a numbers of very tiny cavities known as air
sacs which are covered by a network of very find blood vessels.
An exchanges of gases
takes place here impure blood reaches these capillaries and realises the waster
gas carbon dioxide in the air sacs.
This is exhaled out of the Drink Water Important Human Body and freshly inhaled oxygen
is absorbed into the air sacs
This oxygen is release into the blood via the capillaries.
What are cells made of.
The different cells of the our body have very different
tasks but they are all similar in their structure.
They have cell wall a cell membrane, which protects the
inner matter of the cell and what goes in the cell and in the cell.
The energy for these processes comes from mitochondria, the
power house of the cells
They are responsible for cells respirations for cells
respiration the endoplasmic reticulum takes
care of the conversion of substances and for detoxifying the cells.
All these organelles are embedded in the liquid cytoplasm inside
the cells if we drink less fluids, the cytoplasm will dry out and the cell may
What are organs
Organs are part of the body having specific tasks. An examples
is the intestine in which food is broken down and the nutrients are absorbed in
the blood .
Another important
organ is the liver which utilizes the components for food other organs are the kidneys, the spleen the
heart and our biggest organ the skin.
They are all made up of different kinds of tissues such as muscular
tissue, fatty or supportive tissue and blood vessels. The tissues in each organ
is specifically designed to performs the tasks assigned to that organ.
Thus the muscular tissue of the heart is different and
performs different functions as compared to that in the upper thigh each organ
interacts with other organs to keep the body healthy.
Did you know that
An adult has about 5-6 litres of blood in his body.
The heart of an adult pumps around 7000 liter of blood through
the body every day.
This could fill about 35 bathtubs.
Crabs have blue-coloured blood their blood pigment contains
copper, and not iron which gives the ted colour to the blood
What can carbon dioxide do
You need: A glass with warm water (half full) 1st test tube 1 tablespoon
of powdered cement 1 drinking straw a pair of goggles.
Do as follows: Put on the pair of goggles Stir the powdered cement
in water leave it for some time till he liquid is clear again fill a test tube
with this liquid till it is half full now blow carefully in the water through
the straw After that wait for a while.
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